Starting with 07/16/2018, the Institute of Financial Studies in partnership with ECDL Romania will run the project "ECDL-ISF for Financial Intermediaries". During its implementation, ISF intends to certify through the ECDL PROFILE Permit (standard level with modules: Advanced Text Editing, Advanced Tabulation, Advanced Presentations) and/or ECDL PROFILE Permit (proficiency level with modules: , Advanced Tabulation, Advanced Presentations, Advanced Database) financial intermediaries interested in ECDL modules and certifications.
They can access any ECDL certification from the ECDL Romania portfolio except for Equalskills certification.
Details on how to obtain the ECDL License and other information about ECDL Romania are available here.
For subscriptions and additional details, please contact us at, tel. 021 230 51 20.