19 July 2021


Today, March 11, took place the European Conference of Financial Services ECFS 2021, the 5th edition, online, attended by 118 participants from academia - teachers, PhD students, students - from business - representatives of companies insurance, private pensions and investments, as well as representatives of the Financial Supervisory Authority.



The event included a plenary session, two debates and 6 scientific panels, with 57 interventions:



    Financial career development for young graduates


    Professionalization of financial markets in customer support


    General trends in the financial services sector


    Modern concerns in the financial reporting process


    Challenges of the digital economy



On the occasion of organizing this event, 6 prizes were offered, as follows:



Award for the best presentation Melinda Timea FULOP, Dan Ioan TOPOR, Alexandra Delia BUGNARIU, Babeș Bolyai University Cluj, 1 December 1918 University of Alba Iulia, for the paper "The role and importance of the audit function in non-banking financial institutions"



The award is given to the academic participant with the best presentation, who describes the approach he or she has taken to communicate his or her research and the impact it has generated.



Prize for the best scientific contribution Alin Marius ANDRIEȘ, Nicu SPRINCEAN, Daniel JURAVLE, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași for the work "COVID-19 pandemic and the performance of Romanian companies"



This award is dedicated to participants in the scientific field at the ECFS Conference who have conducted innovative and impactful research. Today, March 11, took place the European Conference of Financial Services ECFS 2021, the 5th edition, online, attended by 118 participants from academia - teachers, PhD students, students - from business - representatives of companies insurance, private pensions and investments, as well as representatives of the Financial Supervisory Authority.



The event included a plenary session, two debates and 6 scientific panels, with 57 interventions:



    Financial career development for young graduates


    Professionalization of financial markets in customer support


    General trends in the financial services sector


    Modern concerns in the financial reporting process


    Challenges of the digital economy



On the occasion of organizing this event, 6 prizes were offered, as follows:



Award for the best presentation Melinda Timea FULOP, Dan Ioan TOPOR, Alexandra Delia BUGNARIU, Babeș Bolyai University Cluj, 1 December 1918 University of Alba Iulia, for the paper "The role and importance of the audit function in non-banking financial institutions"



The award is given to the academic participant with the best presentation, who describes the approach he or she has taken to communicate his or her research and the impact it has generated.



Prize for the best scientific contribution Alin Marius ANDRIEȘ, Nicu SPRINCEAN, Daniel JURAVLE, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași for the work "COVID-19 pandemic and the performance of Romanian companies"



This award is dedicated to participants in the scientific field at the ECFS Conference who have conducted innovative and impactful research.

Award for the most loyal ECFS participant in the university environment Lect. univ. dr. Sergiu GOLUB, Babeș-Bolyai University


This award recognizes the efforts of teachers in attending the ECFS Conference each year. (interventions / participations)


Award for the most loyal ECFS participant in the business environment Ștefan PRIGOREANU, CEO, Millennium Insurance Broker


This award recognizes the efforts of business representatives in attending the ECFS Conference each year. (interventions / participations)


The award for the best supporter of the event Transilvania University of Brașov - Prof. univ. Dr. Marius DINCĂ


This award recognizes the efforts of universities to participate in the ECFS Conference. Universities are evaluated on the basis of the number of participants in the ECFS Conference.


Drd. Narcis PĂVĂLAȘCU, President of the Association of Insurance Arbitration and Mediation Center (ACAMA)


This award is given to the person who provided significant support to the event and to the entire activity of the ISF.


Valentin Ionescu