The financial system was reborn at the time of the first remote information transmission techniques and then reinvented itself with the advent of digital computers. We can declare the pioneering of digital financial services completed with the universalization of mobile information support devices and, consequently, free access to it, but especially with the advent of blockchain technology and the spread of cryptocurrencies that allow anonymization of users of financial products.
On the other hand, if 2018 meant the year of implementation in Romania of the new European regulations with impact in several branches of financial services, 2019 is the year of the first balance sheets in the field.
The European Conference on Financial Services (ECFS) aims, at the third edition to be held on March 21-22, 2019, in Brasov, to be a forum for debate on digitalization, automation and innovation in financial services , to the practical application of the latest legislative developments, but also to add an economic and managerial perspective of the realities in the financial field, bringing together finance professionals, theorists and practitioners alike.
Topics proposed for this year's approach include, but are not limited to:
- Opportunities and threats on the financial market
- FinTech and Insurtech challenges for the financial field
- Alternative dispute resolution and the importance of the specialization of the entities involved
- Nine months of application of the GDPR in financial services
- Techniques and methods in combating money laundering
- Insurance solutions to limit the effects of cyber risks
- The professional training of the insurance distributor in the context of the current legislative provisions
- Increasing the share of optional insurance in Romania
- Financial instruments and trading methods according to MiFID II
- Risk management and corporate governance
- Anti-fraud methods in car insurance
- Compulsory home insurance - status and future projects
- Operational changes as a result of the implementation of Law 236/2018
- Financial services law
Participation in this event brings credit points / hours of continuous training.
The participation packages offered are:
I. DIAMOND package * - includes participation in the plenary session and panels from March 21-22 = 360 RON
II. GOLD package * - includes participation in the plenary session and panels from March 21 = 300 RON
III. SILVER package - includes participation in the panels from March 22 = 180 RON
For members of UNSAR, UNSICAR, PRBAR, OPPC, and AAF associations, we offer special packages as follows:
I. DIAMOND package * - includes participation in the plenary session and panels from 21 - 22 March = 220 RON
II. GOLD package * - includes participation in the plenary session and panels from March 21 = 150 RON
III. SILVER package - includes participation in the panels from March 22 = 100 RON
* DIAMOND and GOLD packages include lunch
For details on registering for the ECFS 2019 sessions, please contact us by e-mail:
Alexandra DARMAZ GUZUN - Partnership Manager - Research, Institute of Financial Studies -
Andreea PETRACHE - Events Manager, Institute of Financial Studies, Bucharest -
Daniela MICU - Executive Director, Romanian Research Society for Public and Private Affairs -
Parteneri academici
Parteneri media
Thursday, March 21st
10.30 – 11.00 Registration of participants |
11.00 – 12.45 PLENARY SESSION Opportunities and threats in the financial markets Moderator: Călin RANGU |
Opening word Vice President, Financial Supervisory Autority |
Valentin IONESCU Director of the Strategy and Financial Stability Department Financial Supervisory Authority |
Distributed ledger technology - aplicabilitate pe piețele financiare |
Iulian STAN Executive Vice President Transilvania Financial Investment Company |
Coordonate manageriale privind integrarea noilor cerințe ale erei digitale in domeniul financiar |
Nicoleta RADU |
Asigurarea obligatorie a locuinței - status și proiecte de viitor |
Alexandru CIUNCAN |
Dorel DUȚĂ |
Mădălin ROȘU |
12.45 – 13.45 – Lunch break |
13.45 - 16.00 Professional training of insurance distributors in the context of ASF Norm no. 20/2018 Debate |
Cătălin CÂMPEANU |
Paul Mitroi Simona DOBRICĂ |
Market representatives |
Violeta Pârvuțoiu Coordinator of the IDD Working Group National Union of Insurance Companies of Romania - UNSAR |
Florian GABA |
Cristian BALANICA |
16.00 – 16.15 – Coffee break |
16.15 – 18.30 Special laws with implications for financial services Moderators: Daniel-Mihail ȘANDRU , Laura Elly NAGHI |
ACAMA - alternativa fezabilă pentru îmbunătăţirea relațiilor cu clienții |
Money laundering prevention: Risk-based approach and risk perception |
Constantin LUPU Promotion and international relations advisor National Authority for Vocational Training in Dual System in Romania |
Conf. Univ. Dr. Cristina-Ioana FLORESCU Lawyer Lawyer house Bucharest |
Efficiency in arbitration in the light of the Prague Rules |
Dr. Luminița TULEAȘCĂ |
Liability of management bodies for the insolvency of the insurance / reinsurance company |
Ramona COMAN |
Money laundering through financial services |
Dr. Ionița COCHINȚU Associate Judge The Constitutional Court of Romania |
The role of the Financial Supervisory Authority in the context of the new legislative framework on insurance distribution |
PhD. Assoc. Prof. Nicolae GROFU, |
Some peculiarities of the investigation of the crime of fraudulent bankruptcy, starting point for preventing and combating money laundering. |
PhD. Lecturer Sergiu GOLUB Vice Dean Faculty of Law, "Babeș-Bolyai" University |
Some other curiosities and quirks in Government Ordinance no. 38/2015 on the alternative settlement of disputes between consumers and traders |
PhD. Lecturer Codruț - Nicolae SAVU |
The effects of the opening of insolvency proceedings on the qualified financial contract / netting agreement. |
Conf. Univ. Dr. Diana Anca ARTENE Vice Dean Faculty of Legal, Political and Administrative Sciences, "Spiru Haret" University |
Novelty elements brought by GD1 / 2018 in the matter of alternative dispute resolution |
Friday, March 22
09.00 – 11.15 Risk management and governance in the context of MiFID II Moderators: Ovidiu Spătăcean, Raul Felix Hodoş |
Dragoș CĂLIN |
Florentina BALU |
Identifying inter-relationships between the strategic sectors of the company |
Alexandra SMEDOIU |
Simona FĂTU Board Member National Salt Society |
Dileme legate de atribuțiile organelor de conducere ale societăţilor listate la BVB |
Guidance counselor
Financial Supervisory Authority
The local central counterparty that is being set up by BVB |
PhD. Prof. Mircea BOSCOIANU Vice Dean Transilvania University of Brașov |
Synergies and contributions of alternative investment funds in the transition to emerging market status - the case of Romania |
Adriana PĂDURARU Investment analyst Transilvania Financial Investment Company |
PhD. Asist. Prof. Constantin Marius APOSTOAIE |
O radiografie a sectorului bancar paralel în România și în Europa Centrală și de Est |
PhD. Lect. Ioan Ovidiu SPATACEAN |
Measuring investors’ reaction to early signs of fraudulent corporate behavior in financial reporting - empirical findings on Bucharest Stock Exchange |
Sebastian BODU |
Privileged shares, where? |
PhD. Prof. Ion STANCU |
09:00 – 11.15 Relationship management with insurance customers in the context of IDD Moderator: Dan Constantinescu |
The sales process in life insurance according to IDD - between bureaucracy and customer benefits |
Dorel DUȚĂ |
Operational changes as a result of the implementation of Law 236/2018 |
Irinel DINU Director Departament Daune Pool-ul de Asigurare Împotriva Dezastrelor Naturale |
Considerations on the settlement of damages after the implementation of the provisions of the IDD |
Gheorghe GRAD |
Risk Management Heat Map |
Mădălina Neacşu |
Legal Plan for Preventing and Combating Urban Seismic Risk, in the context of Bucharest - European Seismic Capital |
Customer satisfaction - new strategies for action in the car insurance market |
Florentina ALMĂJANU |
Drd. Elena Cristina SAVU |
11.15 – 11.30 – Coffee break |
11.30-13.45 FinTech and Insurtech challenges for the financial field Moderator: Cătălin Câmpeanu |
Călin RANGU Institutule of Financial Studies |
Technological innovations - from ecstasy to agony and back |
Eliza CRISTIAN Head of Evaluation Department Transilvania Financial Investment Company |
Impactul inteligentei artificiale la nivelul profesiilor bazate pe cunoştinţe |
Aurel IVAN |
Digitization and paperless, a need for insurance brokers: case study, MIB |
Victor ŞRAER |
Transformarea digitală şi influenţe în evoluţia profesională a oamenilor din asigurări |
Erik BARNA |
Florian GABA |
The impact of e-Learning in the financial products market Video |
PhD. Lect. Laura MILOS, |
Volatility analysis of Cryptocurrencies and Fintech securities |
11:30 – 13:45 Nine months of application of the GDPR in financial services Moderators: Irina ALEXE , Florentina Neagu |
Dr. Irina ALEXE Associate scientific researcher Institute of Legal Research, „Acad. Andrei Rădulescu ”of the Romanian Academy |
Peculiarities of the procedure for conducting data protection investigations |
Dr. Daniel-Mihail ȘANDRU University professor; Coordinator Center for European Law Studies - Institute of Legal Research, „Acad. Andrei Rădulescu ”of the Romanian Academy |
Responsibility of the administrator of a page hosted on a social network. Quality of operator within the meaning of data protection regulations |
PhD. Silviu-Dorin ȘCHIOPU University assistant „Transilvania” university |
Conf. Univ.Dr. Camelia IGNĂTESCU Dean Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, "Ștefan Cel Mare" University |
PhD. Assoc. Prof. Ciprian Adrian PĂUN |
Imagination exercises on the application of GDPR in financial services! Sanction variable |
PhD. Lecturer Raul-Felix HODOȘ Chairman Romanian Research Society for Public and Private Affairs (SOROCAPP) |
The rights of the data subject and the implications of the GPDR on the fulfillment of the fiscal obligations of the personal data operators in the field of insurance and private pensions. |
Mr. Valentin Ionescu is the Director of the Strategy and Financial Stability Department within ASF, Mr. Ionescu has been active for 20 years in the field of investments and financial supervision. He held the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Strategy and Financial Stability Department (January 2015 - September 2015) and of the Director of the Integrated Supervision Department (2013 - 2014). The professional activity also includes positions such as General Manager of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (2010 - 2011), Member of the Board of Directors at Sibex, SIF Moldova (2012 - 2013) and Chairman of the Board of the Central Depository (2010 - 2011), but also international experience - Euro Invest Bank Gmbh Austria (Head of Sales, 2009 - 2010) and Wood & Co Czech Republic (Senior Sales Trader, 2007 - 2009). Mr. Valentin Ionescu graduated from the Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Commerce, has an MBA and a Certificate in Finance from George Town University US.
Mr. Călin Rangu is a double graduate, doctor in neural networks applied in financial series, MBA graduate, university lecturer, scientific researcher, director within ASF of the Supervision, Intermediate Control and Rules of Conduct Department, president of the Institute of Financial Studies, vice president of the ITF committee of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), member of the Consumer Protection and Financial Innovation Committee of EIOPA, member of the Board EFICERT (European Financial Certification Organization), coordinator of the InsurTech HUB of ASF. He has over 20 years of experience in the financial-banking field, of which over 15 years of management in the private sector (Raiffeisen Bank, Raiffeisen Informatik Austria), within BNR, IBR and ASF. He has published over 150 articles and two books, being an organizer or speaker at major Romanian conferences related to consumer protection and rules of conduct, financial-banking, information systems, financial technologies and innovations, operational risk management, cyber security, alternative solution of litigations, etc. |
Mr. Iulian Stan is the Executive Vice President / Deputy General Manager of the Financial Investment Company SIF Transilvania S.A. Brașov. Iulian Stan has been active in the capital market for over 25 years, has economic and technical training as well as various international specializations, doctoral specialization in the field of trading shares of companies. He is also an expert appraiser - full member of the National Association of Appraisers in Romania (ANEVAR), financial auditor - member of the Romanian Chamber of Financial Auditors (CAFR), expert accountant - member of the Body of Expert Accountants and Certified Accountants in Romania (CECCAR). With practical experience in portfolio management and investment S.I.F. Transylvania, being involved in the direct administration of various companies, was president of the Board of Directors of the Sibex Depository, administrator of the Sibex Stock Exchange and vice president of the National Association of Romanian Securities Companies, and president of the Brasov Territorial Center of ANEVAR. He has university teaching experience and is the author of various scientific publications / communications in the economic field. His professional training and practical experience allowed him to approach and solve systemically and interdisciplinary topics. In recent years he has actively contributed to the debates and opinion formation on the strategies for sustainable development of financial investment companies, the development of business models at portfolio level, the conceptualization of the systemic functioning of the financial education process, the perspectives of the Romanian capital market. The values constantly promoted by it are: performance, ethics and innovation. |
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Mr. Mădălin Roșu is currently a member of the board of directors of one of the largest insurance companies in Romania, Omniasig VIG. Coordinates digital development actions, litigation, operations and divisions at Omniasig. Prior to joining Omniasig, he worked as a complaints director at Generali. He has over 18 years of experience in the insurance field, most of the time in claims. He works in several entities in the field of insurance in Romania, such as UNSAR, where he acts as head of the car insurance section. Starting with 2017, he is also the president of the National Bureau of Motor Insurers in Romania (BAAR). He is also involved at European level in insurance-related activities and is a member of the accreditation team in EFICERT (European Financial Certification Organization). He shares his knowledge and offers support in Romania, where, for example, he has acted in the past as a lecturer in the Insurance Management Institute. He also defined the occupational standard for claims inspectors. |
Mr. Alexandru CIUNCAN has over 15 years of experience in the field of insurance and private pensions in Central and Eastern Europe, with expertise in the area of market conduct, regulation, consumer protection, media and financial journalism. Starting with September 2018, Alexandru holds the position of General Director of UNSAR - National Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania. Also, between 2013 and 2018, Alexandru was a member of IRSG and OPSG, the two groups of Stakeholders within EIOPA - the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisory Authority, participating in the elaboration and debate of legislative acts with long-term impact. on the insurance and private pension industries. At the same time, Alexandru held the positions of Secretary General of APPA - Association for Insurance Promotion - the NGO that developed the first national consumer information and education campaigns - and Managing Partner of XPRIMM, a Romanian media company specialized in industry. EEC and EEA insurance companies. Alexandru CIUNCAN attended the courses of the Faculty of Management within the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, holds a Professional Certificate in Management (OPEN University Business School, UK) and is licensed PMP-Project Management Professional and ACP-Agile Certified Professional (Project Management Institute, USA).
Nicoleta Radu was appointed General Manager of PAID Romania in March 2014, being responsible for both the company's management and the implementation of shareholder decisions. Prior to his appointment to this position, he headed the internal control department of PAID Romania for one year. He has over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur and manager in multiple fields of activity. He graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest and holds a Master's Degree from SNSPA - National School of Political and Administrative Studies. |
Mr. Paul Swoboda's insurance career began in 2003, within the Grawe concern, as a project manager, and in 2007 he joined the Romanian team as a member of the Board of Directors. In 2010 he became a member of the Board of Directors, supervising the financial and control activities of the company, and in September 2012, he was appointed General Manager of Grawe Romania. Starting with November 2015, the company is managed in a dualistic system, and Mr. Swoboda becomes Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grawe. Educated in the spirit and tradition of Grawe's leadership training, Paul Swoboda's stated and assumed goal is to maintain the quality and profitability standards characteristic of the company and financial group of which Grawe Romania is a part. At the same time, he intends to maintain a constant pace of development, adapted to market conditions and a managerial policy focused on consolidation. The youth, but also the multidisciplinary training acquired make the President of the Grawe Romania Directorate a leader with a wide horizon, open to new and with a lot of team spirit. Mister. Paul Swoboda holds a master's degree in Business Science and a master's degree in Philosophy and has benefited from scholarships offered by universities in Paris, Sofia, Zagreb, Novosibirsk. He has a passion for languages, the most recent of which is Romanian, and is fluent in English, French, Russian and Bulgarian. |
Constantin LUPU |
Doctor in Economics at the Romanian Academy, Mr. Lupu currently holds the position of Adviser for the Promotion of International Relations at the National Authority for Initial Vocational Training in Dual System. He is an associate professor at the University of European Studies in Moldova. He has over 10 years of investment experience. |
Mr. Dorel Duță was elected president of UNSICAR in December 2017, he is the representative of the non-banking financial market in the Coordination Board of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity SAL-FIN. He has a rich experience in the insurance industry, in which he has been operating for over 22 years. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law, holds a management certificate obtained at The Open University Business School and has a series of specialization courses in the field of insurance. Starting with the year 2000, Dorel Duță became an associate and director at Hobbit Insurance Broker, a company specialized in the corporate area.Domnul Dorel Duță a fost ales președinte al UNSICAR in decmbrie 2017, este reprezentatul pietei financiare non bancare in Colegiul de Coordonare al Entității de Soluționare Alternativă a Litigiilor SAL-FIN. Are o bogată experiență în industria de asigurări, în care activează de peste 22 ani. Este absolvent al Facultății de Drept, deține un certificat de management obținut la The Open University Business School și are o serie de cursuri de specializare în domeniul asigurărilor. Începând din anul 2000, Dorel Duță a devenit asociat și director la Hobbit Broker de Asigurare, companie specializată pe zona corporate. |
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Gheorghe GRAD General Manager SRBA Broker |
Mr. Gheorghe Grad graduated from Open University Business School, being one of the founders of the Romanian brokerage company SRBA. The company founded in 1998 quickly grew, ranking every year among the top 20 from over 300 brokerage companies in the country. The merger with Renomia took place in 2015, through the acquisition of a 51% percent of the share capital. Throughout his professional career, Mr. Grad has been part of both national and international professional associations and hence involved in the implementation of the specific European legislation in Romania. Alongside managing and focusing on of the business development process of the company, he is an active participant in the business environment through taking part in seminars, conferences and radio programmes. He is also Arbitrator in the association Centre for Arbitration and Insurance Mediation. |
Alexandra SMEDOIU Fiscal Services Partner Deloitte |
Mrs. Alexandra Smedoiu has an experience of almost 15 years in tax consulting, Alexandra has coordinated over time numerous local and international projects mainly for clients in the financial services industry and in the real estate sector. Her professional experience includes a wide range of projects, from tax audits and audits, to assistance in transactions and tax audits. Alexandra is a member of the Romanian Chamber of Tax Consultants, the Association of Chartered Accountants (ACCA) of the United Kingdom, the Institute of International Taxation (ADIT) of the United Kingdom and the Association of CFA Certified Financial Analysts. Alexandra is also vice-president of CFA Romania. |
Mrs. Florentina Almajanu has been General Manager of the CFA Romania Association for over 11 years and Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Financial Studies since 2015. Florentina Almajanu has a career of over 20 years in the insurance field and until May 2017 she held the position of General Director of the National Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania. |
CEO of Millennium Insurance Broker SA, Stefan Prigoreanu has over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry in Romania. He is one of the few back-ground insurance specialists with relevant experience both in regulating and supervising the private pension system, and in the world of martial arts, where he polished his perseverance for over 25 years. As a lecturer and leader of trainers at an important provider of professional training in insurance, but also as a founding member and former Vice President of the Romanian Board of Insurance-Reinsurance Brokers, he is also involved with all specific legal requirements and changes brought by European legislation. '' |
I gained experience in the field of damages by going through all the professional steps in insurance companies, from the damage inspector to the director of the claims department. In the 21 years of working in damages, we analyzed a very large volume of damage files from all insurance classes, starting with mandatory RCA and ending with maritime and aviation damages. We led teams of over a hundred specialized damage inspectors, reaching together to meet high performance criteria, by excellent organization of the activity, by permanent and scheduled training and by promoting a special team spirit. As a level of professional education I am licensed of the Faculty of Transports Bucharest, Road Vehicles section, since 1995 and since 2017 I have been a doctor in mechanical engineering. Also in 2017, I obtained the ISF trainer certificate and the lecturer's approval from ASF. |
Mr. Florian Gaba has over 14 years of experience in training and consulting, especially in the financial field. In 2011 he founded Pro Fiduciaria, a leader in providing professional training services in insurance, pensions and banks with a portfolio of over 100 companies in the financial area. Since 2012, he founded Nosco Learning, a division that offers e-learning services and solutions for companies in different business sectors. Together with the Nosco team, Florian builds and adapts specific tools for online and abroad learning, depending on the specifics of each company. |
Simona FĂTU Non-Executive Member Board of Directors of the National Salt Society |
Mrs. Simona Fătu is an experienced manager with over 12 years of experience in the executive and non-executive management of large companies in the financial, energy, mining, food production and marketing. The area of expertise includes, but is not limited to, corporate governance, management, business strategy, corporate finance and business development. A graduate of the Academy of Economic Studies, Simona worked, during her professional training, in the field of capital markets, being involved, first from the position of regulator and later as a consultant and investment banker, in the construction of the Romanian capital market . However, the stage of professional maturation but also of promotion to management positions was known, in the banking field, in a period marked both by an extremely intense development of the sector specific to the years 2000-2008 but also by a severe adjustment corresponding to the period 2009. -2011. Simona likes to say that, starting with 2012, she is in the consolidation phase with obtaining non-executive director mandates in large companies such as the National Salt Company, the Transylvania South Electricity Distribution Company and the Oltenia Energy Complex. Simona is involved in professional training activities in the field of corporate governance collaborating with the Institute of Financial Studies as well as in mentoring activities and works in several associations such as PWN Romania, AAI and TMA Romania. |
Erik BARNA General Manager Life is Hard |
Mr. Erik Barna is the Founder and CEO of LIFE IS HARD Work Soft - the first Romanian software company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange - AeRo market. An active entrepreneur in the field of technology, Erik has more than 15 years of experience in the development of software products, especially for the insurance industry, strategic thinking and coordination of teams with top skills in the digital area. The company he leads is the developer of the platform, which subscribes to annual premiums that accumulate 33% of the market and is used by over 20,000 specialists. |
Mrs. Maria Ganea-Boghian, graduated the master courses organized by the University of Pitesti-through the Persed program-obtaining the diploma of master consultant (professional) in business management and doctoral school, obtaining the title of doctor in mechanical-automotive engineering, with thesis; At the end of his life, at the end of his life, he participated as a coordinator in the team of specialists who designed the first pilot treatment station for end-of-life vehicles in Romania, made the manual and procedures on quality assurance for dismantling companies in Romania and implemented this system. 20 dismantling companies from Romania, system certified by TUV Thuringen in 2008. For the innovative ideas used in the design of the integrated flow of end-of-life vehicle treatment (dismantling, recovery, reuse, recycling) and waste management, TUV Thuringen awarded him the diploma by * Inovator *, in 2009. He is a co-participant in the design, implementation and implementation in the Romanian insurance market of the first computer system for evaluating damaged vehicles, Autosel (which is made available to the insurance market since 2006), of the platform EURODEMONT information on the management of end - of - life vehicles, the base Inkasso data (damaged vehicles Romania / Europe, USA), of the Servisel, SPSel and Justalert system, together with Mr. Ganea Nicolae. |
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Lecturer Dr. Spătăcean Ioan Ovidiu has accumulated a valuable didactic, professional and research experience, during the over 15 years of activity in the university environment. Research concerns are anchored in areas such as financial audit, corporate governance or financial markets and have resulted in more than 40 papers published, as author or co-author, in journals with international visibility. Some of these scientific articles were funded by a postdoctoral research grant in the field of corporate governance at the level of investment firms in Romania (2014-2015). The professional expertise was acquired, to a large extent, as a result of the over 13 years of collaboration with the investment company Goldring from Târgu Mureș, within which specific experiences and skills of risk management, financial reporting and compliance were accumulated. Also, the professional activity performed as financial auditor and expert accountant, member of the Romanian Chamber of Financial Auditors (since 2011) and of the Body of Expert Accountants and Certified Accountants of Romania (since 2013), has contributed significantly to strengthening teaching and research skills. These skills were completed by the experience gained in the field of university management, starting with 2016, as Scientific Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Law at the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology in Târgu Mureș. |
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Lawyer - Mures Bar since 2010, University Lecturer at the Department of Law and Public Administration within UMFST Tg Mures, President of the international association "Pro Iure", member of the editorial board of the magazine "Curentul Juridic". Graduate of the "Petru Maior" University of Tg Mures, Doctoral studies completed in July 2015 at the School of Law and Criminal Procedure, "Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy. Publications: a monograph, over 20 articles and studies, member of the organizing committee of over 20 international conferences. |
Mădălina NEACȘU |
NEACȘU STELUȚA MĂDĂLINA is a Doctor in Information and National Security and founder of the 'Food Security Information System' (SISA) in Romania. He also holds two master's degrees: in Security Studies-Information Analysis (2014) at the Faculty of Social Work and Sociology in Bucharest in partnership with the National Academy of Information Mihai Viteazul and in Agricultural Consulting at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest (USAMVB) The undergraduate studies are in the legal-administrative field, being a graduate of the Faculty of Law, Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest (2015), legal specialization and also a graduate of the Faculty of Business and Public Administration, University of Bucharest ( 2010), specialization in administrative sciences. Currently, he is an expert in urban security and resilience, within the Office of Consulting and Expertise (Municipal Administration for Consolidation of Buildings at Earthquake Risk) within the Bucharest City Hall and also Advisor at the National Research and Development Institute for Earth Physics ( INCDFP). The areas of expertise are: security and urban resilience, strategic planning, intelligence analysis, legal-administrative, agrointelligence / agri-food security, geopolitics, project management, competitive intelligence, GDPR policies, etc. To date, he has published a volume entitled “Agrointelligence. Agri-food security - a new paradigm of globalization ”(European Institute of Iasi Publishing House, November 2015) and numerous strategic articles in specialized magazines. |
Ms Laura Milos is a university lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, West University of Timisoara. Between January and September. 2017 he was senior inspector at DGRFP Timișoara, AJFP Caraș-Severin, Fiscal Intelligence Service. He studied the doctorate in Finance, the title of the thesis "The place of the capital market in financing the Romanian economy" |
PhD. Elena-Cristina SAVU is a lawyer since 2002, Associate Founder of the Civil Society of Lawyers "Savu and Associates". Education: Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, 1997-2001 - Bachelor's degree in law, "Simion Bărnuțiu" Faculty of Law, "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, 2006-2008 - Master's degree in European Law, Faculty of Law, „Titu Maiorescu” University of Bucharest, 2018 - present - doctoral studies. He published the Insurance Contract, Ed. CHBeck, 2018, Insurance Legislation, Ed. CHBeck, 2018, coordinated and prefaced edition, Professional Liability Insurance - Malpractice Guarantee, Annals of Titu Maiorescu University, Law series, 2018, Ed. Hamangiu, 2018 , Extinctive prescription in the matter of the insurance contract in the light of the new civil Code, in Law Review, online edition, December 2017. |
Mrs. Eliza Cristian coordinates the activities of the Evaluation Department within the S.I.F. Transylvania and has over 5 years of experience in the company, previously working in the field of investments and risk management. Mrs. Eliza Cristian is a CFA member, one of the most prestigious titles among financial professionals, as well as a full member of ANEVAR, an organization that brings together evaluation professionals in Romania. He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. He has also worked in areas such as marketing, insurance and has participated in numerous courses in the field of entrepreneurship, project management, innovation and business consulting. The main professional values are: proactivity, responsibility, integrity and performance. |
He has 15 years of professional experience in the capital market, during which time he worked both within the Financial Supervisory Authority (CNVM and later ASF) and in the private sector, within several financial entities specific to this non-financial sector. -banking. He was an economist and lawyer by profession, both in the implementation of legislative packages and in various projects for the development of activities and infrastructure specific to operations with financial instruments. |
Ms. Ana Codescu has extensive experience in preventing and combating money laundering, terrorist financing and the application of international sanctions. He currently coordinates globally the monitoring of Trade Finance transactions (documentary operations) within the Commerzbank financial group. She is directly involved in the implementation of global policies and internal controls for the prevention of financial crime risks and participates as an expert in establishing compliance strategies on the Trade Finance business segment, as well as in the development and implementation of measures necessary for their application. At the same time, throughout his professional career, he also worked in the field of forensic consulting, being a key expert in Lithuania's national assessment on the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing (2015). She is internationally certified as a money laundering prevention specialist (CAMS), a student at the Institute of Risk Management in London and a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Finance at the Academy of Economic Studies. |
Aurel IVAN |
I have been working in Audatex since 2011 (which is part of the Solera Holdings group) being responsible for the service area offered to insurance companies. Starting with the fall of 2018, I am the Country Manager of Audatex. I have over 10 years of experience in the field of insurance brokerage - for Marsh Broker and I coordinated the brokerage department of ING Asigurari and Aviva. |
Conf.Univ.Dr. |
Mrs. Tuleașcă is a PhD associate professor at the Faculty of Law of the Romanian-American University, as well as a pleading lawyer, the Bucharest Bar, founder and managing partner of TULEAŞCĂ LAWYERS. Also, Mrs. Tuleașcă is currently also an Arbitrator of the International Commercial Arbitration Court attached to the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He completed his doctorate in Law from the University of Bucharest, Private Law, specialization in Commercial Law. |
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Ms. Cristina Florescu is an associate professor with a doctorate in commercial law and arbitration at the Faculty of Legal, Administrative and Political Sciences, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, and an associate professor at the International Master of Arbitration at the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest and Romanian-American University. , lawyer (Bucharest Bar) with his own commercial and arbitration practice and also arbitrator at the International Court of Commercial Arbitration (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania), Bucharest, at ICC Paris and at the Vienna International Arbitration Center (VIAC ). He is a doctoral graduate, with a doctoral thesis in the field of commercial arbitration published in Romania (Commercial Arbitration, Arbitration Convention and Arbitral Tribunal, Universul juridic Publishing House, 2011). She conducted an internship and research activity at the Arbitration Court of the International Arbitration Court of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), located in Paris in 2006 and in the doctoral department of CEU University, Budapest in 2007. international referee (member of the jury) at the toilet Dream Moot, Vienna and FDI Moot. Before his legal career, he also graduated from the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics, 1994 degree, specializing in higher algebra. Participant and speaker at numerous international and national conferences in the fields of arbitration and commercial law, participation in scientific sessions and seminars / webinars organized by various institutions, law schools, ICC, VIAC, ArbAut, Associations of Youth Arbitrators and many others. Publications in several journals, reviews, collections of essays, books, courses in commercial law, mediation and arbitration. |
Constantin-Marius Apostoaie is a PhD assistant in the Department of Finance, Currency and Public Administration, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi. He obtained the title of doctor in Economic Sciences, Finance, in 2012, with the grade Excellent (at the University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" in Iasi). He has completed various internships in research and research at institutions such as: University of Michigan-Flint (USA), University of Barcelona (Spain), GREThA: Groupe de Recherche en Economie Théorique et Appliquée, at the University of Bordeaux (France), Universidad of Zaragoza (Spain) etc. At the same time, he has published, as sole author or co-author, over 60 scientific articles in volumes, journals or scientific journals (some of them being indexed by ISI and most in recognized international databases) and has been a member of the team in over 17 academic research and / or teaching projects, funded from national or European sources. |
PhD. Lecturer Codruț - Nicolae SAVU |
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PhD. Assoc. Prof. Constantin - Marius APOSTOAIE |
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Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences "Ștefan Cel Mare" University |
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Mr. Ion STANCU is a university professor, Finance Department, Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, master director of "Financial Management and Investments" and PhD supervisor with expertise in the fields of Analysis and financial planning, evaluation and financing of investment projects, capital markets and management portfolio. Recommends for consultation, in this regard, the works “FINANCE. Financial markets and portfolio management. Direct investments and their financing. Analysis and financial management of the enterprise ”(2007),“ Corporate finance with Excel ”(2012), as well as“ Corporate Finance, vol. I, Analysis and financial planning of enterprises ”(2015). He has a rich experience in the reform of financial higher education programs (bachelor's, master's, doctorate) and in international university cooperation as dean of the Faculty of Finance, Insurance, Banking and Stock Exchanges (1993-2004) and as vice-rector of the Academy of Studies. Economic (2004-2016). As a director and member of research projects, he analyzed the impact of arrears, financial crime, environmental protection, sustainable development, social responsibility, etc. on company performance and economic growth. Since 2003, he has been working as an administrator of SIF Banat-Crisana and at Banca Româneasca. Since 1993 he is a member of CECCAR and since 2000 he is a member of CAFR. |