28.02.2025 - 28.02.2025
Monica Violeta Achim
Tip curs
Grup țintă

The training program is addressed, but is not limited, to the following groups:

  • persons within reporting entities with responsibilities in implementing and following; 
  • the relevant legal regulations (compliance officers and designated persons);
  • persons with responsibilities in the internal control of a company;
  • persons who are operating within the economic/financial department of a company;
  • auditors, consultants and other persons with similar (professional) qualities.
Obiectivele cursului
  • to offer the necessary knowledge levels for the understanding of the money laundering and terrorism financing phenomenon from the perspective of the profile culture and also the specific prevention means;
  • to provide an appropriate level of acknowledgment of the risks in this field of work;
  • to ensure the acquisition of the necessary monitoring mechanisms and analytical capabilities;
  • to present the current legislation, the interpretation modules and the normative correlations; 
  • to present the international sanctions regime, the applicability and responsibilities in the matter;
  • to create the premises for the adequate identification and analyzation of the suspicious transactions for money laundering and terrorism financing in the insurance field, as well as the reporting of such activities in compliance with the law;
  • to ensure the development of skills and abilities in the field.

1. Concepts and regulations

2. International regulatory agencies and regulations

  • Regulatory agencies
  • European Union's legal framework in combating money laundering

3. National regulatory agencies and regulations

  • Administrative agencies
  • Law enforcement bodies
  • State - owned economic and financial control agencies
  • Regulations for money laundering

4. Measures of prevention and combating money laundering

5. Means used for money laundering

  • Steps
  • Basic rules in money laundering
  • Techniques used in money laundering
  • Tax havens and off-shore companies – means used for money laundering
  • 6. Measurement tools. Risk indicators in the money laundering and terrorism financing field.

7. National and international statistics of money laundering

8. Profiling the fraudster

9. Case studies and typologies


The investment includes the course support in an online form (share screen) and the trainer’s support during the course progression, as well as the certificate of participation.

Detalii curs

The course aims to bring to the participants’ attention the applicable standards, legal regulations and national and international requirements in the field of anti-money laundering (CSB)/terrorism financing (CFT), as well as the institutional responsibilities that the relevant authorities have in this field. From the perspective of the specific implications, the course presents step by step all the obligations and responsibilities of the financial companies, the compliance officers or the designated persons, encapsulating in the same time informative aspects, as well as operational elements specific to the CSB/CFT institutional culture. The course is structured in the format of a specialised training that can be attended by all the persons with a direct or indirect connection to this field, especially from the perspective of the conducted activity in the financial companies. The analytical approach of the course follows the purpose of developing a comprehensive framework for specializing in the CSB/CFT field from the perspective of the module for interpretation/implementation of the specific legal regulations, as well as from the perspective of developing new abilities and skills in this field.

Acknowledgement: This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2174, within PNCDI III.

Nr. de ore
Detalii Trainer

Monica Violeta Achim este profesor universitar doctor habilitat (prof. univ.dr. habil) la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Facultatea de Științe Economice și Gestiunea Afacerilor, Departamentul de Finanțe, Cluj-Napoca, România. A obținut doctoratul în domeniul contabilității în 2004. Din anul 2017, este conducător de doctorat în domeniul finanțelor în cadrul aceleiași instituții. Printre preocupările sale de cercetare, se regăsesc criminalitatea economică și financiară (corupția, economia subterană, evaziunea fiscală, spălarea banilor, fraude etc.), diagnosticul și analiza financiară a entității, analiza financiară în bănci, guvernanța corporativă,  performanțele în afaceri, gestiunea financiară și finanțele publice. În februarie 2020, a obținut Premiul pentru excelență în cercetarea științifică la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Facultatea de Științe Economice și Administrarea Afacerilor, Cluj-Napoca, România. Este membru al Consiliului Național de Atestare a Titlurilor, Diplomelor si Certificatelor Universitare (CNATDCU) în mandatul 2020-2024.
În mediul de afaceri, dna Monica Violeta Achim este expert contabil- membru al Corpului Experților Contabili și al Contabililor Autorizați (CECCAR), consultant fiscal- membru al Camerei Consultanților Fiscal (CCF), expert judiciar- membru al Grupului Experților Judiciari (GEJ), fiind angajată în numeroase activități de consultanță și expertiză contabilă și fiscală, inclusiv în cadrul dosarelor aparținând instanțelor judecătorești.
Cu peste 22 de ani de experiență în domeniul academic și de afaceri, a publicat 130 de articole de specialitate, 24 de cărți și a efectuat numeroase lucrări de expertiză contabilă/judiciară/fiscală. Cea mai recentă lucrare de cercetare a sa este cartea Criminalitate economică și financiară. Corupția, economia subterană și spălarea banilor publicată la editura Economica București (2019) (lb. română) și la editura internațională Springer (2020) (lb. engleză).

Preț cu TVA
840 RON
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